Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Advice By Ameere Kaabeer From Lettter No. 18

Sovereignty lies in tasting the truth, Not in grabbing the world by force and ill will. Everyone has been given his share in this world, But he alone is rich who attains the pleasures of the next world If you want to achieve the throne of prestige in this world, Discard the worldly power and be with those who offer (true) prayer. If a hundred worlds are in your possession, Your property is what you earn for the next world ; Whether you are a slave or a free man, Do not Look at what you are not supposed to; When in this world you don’t make efforts to achieve success, Then how can you be among the faithful confidants On the Day of judgement.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Advice from Letter No. 14

One who willingly opts for the pain (in love) of his lord, His face (bears testimony to the state ) of his heart. One who is familiar with his Lord (king) Shall bear on His forehead the imprint of his glory. One whose eyes are blessed with the Divine Light, His countenance glows with the Divine Light. If you want from your 'Friend' (Lord) a penetrating eye, Then there is no choice but to suffer pain (day and night) If you aspire for Light, burn your heart like a candle desires, Only great men of action sacrifice their lives for their Lord, The Lazy dare not tread on this path, O gullible ! If you dare not step on this straight path, Then, at least, be a follower of those who have chosen it.

Advice from letter no. 13

It is deadly route, think of your (ultimate) destination, Seek a way out of this irksome task. Do not get engrossed in the worldly pleasures (because), Death is near, prepare yourself for it. Why remain unmindful of the inevitable, day and night? Be firm in performing good deed right now, After death you will be fully in chains, motionless and Such a man can hardly perform any action, hence do what you can in this world only.

Advice from Letter no 11

Lop off the bough of desire and appetite for, It is like a lamp that is about to extinguish. Pull up the roots of the tree of greed, For it is short lived and bears no fruit.

Advice from Letter number four

One who opts for this earthly life, Will mix with the earth. Ignorant, he doesn't know What is in the earth. Evert life represents the face of a liberated soul, At evert step you take is over the head of a prince,(at every step is skull of a prince) Who will aspire to befriend this(transitory) world? It has been faithful to none, how can it be faithful to us?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Advice from maktubat e Mir syed ali hamdani (rahimahumullah)

Every breath in this world is a life time investment, And you are unaware of this truth. Like an intoxicated man you live here, Fully entangled in the short lived joys and glamour of life. Surely you will have to leave this world, and Know that this ephemeral world is only an illusion. O worshipper of your desires! Ponder(over it). These ephemeral pleasures are naught againist(the blessings of the) eternal life. So try to acquire provisions for the journey (hereafter). Where everyone will be on his own (helpless); Those who are after worldly pleasures, Like a donkey in a miry place they are drowned in the mud Therefore, do not pride yourself on worldly pleasures, and do not foolishly ignore the hereafter (so that), You do not have to suffer the torments of the grave; Your sensual desires have cast a veil around you, If you overcome these desires, the curtain will be Lifted !